Grade 9 Learns More About the Old Town of Vilnius

Grade 9 Learns More About the Old Town of Vilnius


By Paulius, Grade 9 student

On October 23rd, grade 9 students went on a tour in Vilnius Old Town. Even though it was cold, the 9th grade made the most use of the opportunities offered. Our classmate’s grandmother Mrs. Ona Marija Horodničiūtė who is a professional tour guide offered to take us on a tour, and with no doubts we accepted this generous offer. Our tour was based on the royal path from the Cathedral Square to the Gates of Dawn. We started our tour at the Cathedral Square and talked about the great wall that used to stand there protecting people in case of emergencies. We headed to Pilies street and talked about how many noble people around the world travelled and even lived here.

Since it was cold, we stopped to buy some tea or coffee to warm up. Shortly after, we continued our tour to the Vilnius Church of the Holy Spirit. We ended our tour at the Gates of Dawn. Grade 9 is thankful to Mrs. Ona Marija Horodničiūtė for this wonderful excursion!!