Užklasinė veikla
Monthly Assemblies
Monthly assemblies give an opportunity to recognize student achievements, give various awards – Honor Roll and Student of the Month, and provide important information about upcoming school events. Parents are invited to the Lower School class-sponsored assemblies, which are held on Fridays, as well as to the assemblies where student of the month nominations are provided. Check the annual AISV Activities Calendar on the AISV homepage for the exact times and dates of the current year's assemblies.
AISV Yearbook
Starting in 1996, AISV annually issued a colorful AISV Yearbook. Each class provides ideas for a class page and there is also a Yearbook cover design competition that the students can enter. All school events, assemble, and fun times, as well as glimpses of each grade’s life during the school year, are recorded in the Yearbook. If you want to see who we are and what we do here at school, come and look at our Yearbook!
After-School Activities
AISV offers a variety of after-school activities sponsored by teachers, parents, and outside professional coaches and institutions. Some examples of former and present offerings include soccer, robotics, science club, Suzuki violin class, swimming, volleyball, basketball, cooking class, musical, arts & crafts, and others. The students in Lower School need to pay a 150 Euro fee for the semester for the activity they attend. The upper school activities are for free.
The after-school activity offer is revised every semester depending on student interests and the teachers who are offering the activities. The latest after-school activities offered and schedule are always shared with the school community at the beginning of each semester.
Activities Director | IB DP CAS |
Community Service Coordinator
Jolita Norkūnaitė
Lower School Afterschool
Activities Coordinator
Arina Tembo